Bert Weckhuysen has been awarded the Karl Wamsler Innovation Award 2024 in appreciation for his distinguished and groundbreaking work in the field of heterogeneous catalysis, and more specifically for visualizing solid catalysts in operando for the conversion of fossil and renewable feedstocks. On Thursday, November 14, 2024, at the TUM Awards Dinner, Bert Weckhuysen received the honor
Bert Weckhuysen received an honorary doctorate from Ghent University
On 22 March 2024, Bert Weckhuysen received an honorary doctorate (“Doctor Honoris Causa”) from Ghent University for his groundbreaking contributions to develop structure-performance relationships in the field of catalysis by making use of innovative in-situ and operando spectroscopy tools. His research outcomes are major in the path towards the realization of a more sustainable and
Angela Melcherts received the NIOK Lecture Award for her presentation at the NCCC 2024 conference
PhD student Angela Melcherts received the NIOK Lecture Award for her presentation “Tuning Metal-Support Interactions in the CO2 Hydrogenation over Ni Supported on Titania Polymorphs”. Angela presented the results of her research about the mechanistic pathways of catalytic CO2 methanation over nickel supported on different titanium dioxide polymorphs (i.e., anatase, rutile, and brookite). She used
Bert Weckhuysen will receive an honorary doctorate from Ghent University
Ghent University is awarding an honorary doctorate to Bert Weckhuysen, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry & Catalysis at Utrecht University. The doctorate is a special honor for his exceptional scientific achievements. The honorary doctorate will be awarded during the Dies Natalis of Ghent University, on Friday, March 22. Professors Veronique van Speybroek and Kevin van Geem
PhD defense Shuang Yang: Structure−Performance Relationships of Copper and Post−Transition Metals in Electrochemical CO2 Reduction
Congratulations to Dr. Shuang Yang for an Excellent PhD Defense. Shuang has successfully defended her PhD thesis, supervised by Prof. Bert Weckhuysen and Dr. Ward van der Stam. Shuang has studied the effect of post-transition metals (Bi, Pb & Sn) on the properties of Cu for electrochemical CO2 reduction, aiming to convert CO2 into valuable
PhD defense Iris ten Have: Spectroscopy of the Catalytic Hydrogenation of CO and CO2
Congratulations to Dr. Iris ten Have for an Excellent PhD Defense. Iris has successfully defended her PhD thesis, supervised by Prof. Bert Weckhuysen and Dr. Florian Meirer. In her PhD thesis, Iris described surface-sensitive spectroscopy as a promising analytical tool for a better understanding reaction and deactivation mechanisms in heterogeneous catalysis. She set the stage
PhD defense Luca Carnevale: Microreactors for In Situ Single Catalyst Particle Characterization Using Advanced Imaging Techniques
Congratulations to Dr. Luca Carnevale for an Excellent PhD Defense. Luca has successfully defended his PhD thesis, supervised by Prof. Mathieu Odijk and Prof. Bert Weckhuysen. Luca has developed microreactors for in-situ characterization of single catalyst particles, thereby expanding a.o. the pressure limitations. His research contributes to advancing innovative microfluidic devices for investigating heterogeneous catalysts
Bert Weckhuysen appointed as a Honorary Professor at East China University of Science & Technology
On November 17, Professor Bert Weckhuysen was appointed as a Honorary Professor at the School of Chemical Engineering of East China University of Science & Technology (ECUST, China). Professor Xuan Fuzhen, President of ECUST, attended and awarded the Honorary Professorship. The appointment ceremony was hosted by Professor Li Chunzhong, Dean of the School of Chemical
Bert Weckhuysen appointed as a Honorary Professor at Tianjin University
On November 14, 2023, Bert Weckhuysen, was appointed as a Honorary Professor at the School of Chemical Engineering of Tianjin University (China). Gong Jinlong, Vice President of Tianjin University, Professor Fan Xiaobin, Dean of the School of Chemical Engineering, and representatives of teachers and students attended the awarding ceremony. The full press release can be
Bert Weckhuysen was elected as a Honorary Fellow of Chinese Chemical Society
On November 13, 2023, the Chinese Chemical Society held a ceremony at the College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University, to confer the Honorary Fellowship to Professor Bert Weckhuysen. Professor Zhao Yuliang, Vice President of the Chinese Chemical Society, presented the certificate to Professor Bert Weckhuysen. The ceremony was presided over by Professor Ma
PhD defense Ahmed Ismail: The Chemical Dynamics of Water Splitting Oxides
Congrats to Dr. Ahmed Ismail for a very good PhD defense! Ahmed explored a.o. femtosecond X-ray spectroscopy, thereby making use of a unique X-ray free electron laser, to study metal oxides, splitting H2O in H2 & O2. Wishing you all success, Ahmed!
PhD defense Max Werny: Probing the Morphology, Composition and Temperature of Olefin Polymerization Catalyst Particles with Microscopy and Spectroscopy
Congratulations to Dr. Max Werny for an excellent PhD defense. Max has successfully defended his PhD thesis, supervised by Prof. Bert Weckhuysen and Dr. Florian Meirer. Max has used fluorescence, infrared, electron & X-ray microscopy to investigate the morphology & break-up of olefin polymerization catalysts. In his PhD thesis, Max describes how an analytical toolbox,