Freddy Rabouw was awarded a VIDI grant from the NWO Talent Scheme. The VIDI grant, for researchers who have already conducted several years of research after their PhD, involves a scholarship of 800,000 euros intended for the development of their own research line, and allows for the appointment of one or two PhD students. Freddy was one of 78 researchers who were awarded a VIDI-grant this year, of which 14 grants were awarded to Utrecht researchers, from diverse disciplines UMC Utrecht, the Faculty of science, the Faculty of Geoscience, and the faculty of Humanities. Freddy is an assistant professor in the Inorganic Chemistry Group as well as in the Soft Condensed matter group of the Debye Institute, his project “Quantum cutting sunlight with Yb3+-doped perovskite” will develop strategies for more efficient quantum conversion of blue and ultraviolet light into infrared light, which will inspire new technologies for sustainable energy production. Last year, Freddy was awarded the Heineken Young Scientists Award.