prof. dr. ir. Bert Weckhuysen

prof. dr. ir. Bert Weckhuysen
Room - David de Wied 4.82
+31 30 253 4328

The central research theme of the Weckhuysen group is the development of structure-activity relationships and expert systems in the field of heterogeneous catalysis and materials science with special emphasis on the development and use of advanced in situ characterization techniques.

You can download the exhaustive resume of Prof. Weckhuysen here.

Academic Career


2018: Distinguished University Professor at Utrecht University (NL)

2012: Distinguished Professor of the Faculty of Science at Utrecht University (NL)

2000: Professor Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis Group at Utrecht University (NL)

Postdoctoral Experience

1997 – 2000: Postdoctoral fellow at Leuven University (BE), employed by the Belgian National Science Foundation (NFWO).

1995 – 1997: Postdoctoral fellow with Prof. Israel Wachs at Lehigh University (USA) and with Prof. Jack Lunsford at Texas A&M University (USA)

Early Stage Researcher

1995: Ph.D. degree from Leuven University with honors under the supervision of Prof. Robert Schoonheydt (BE)

1991: Master degree in chemical & agricultural engineering with the greatest distinction from Leuven University (BE)

Visiting Professorships

2014 – 2017: University College London (UK)

2013 – 2018: Stanford University & SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (USA)

2012: Sabbatical at Stanford University (USA)

2000 – 2005: Leuven University (BE)

Current educational/Teaching Activities

Lecturer and coordinator of the Bachelor and Master of the Da Vinci Project

Lecturer and coordinator of Syllabus Catalysis Course (SK-BKATA)

Awards and Scientific Honors

Scientific Awards

Chemistry Europe Award for “outstanding achievements and leadership in the field of sustainable chemistry and catalysis research” (2023)

Frontiers Award of the Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion (2022)

Robert B. Anderson Award. Organization: Canadian Catalysis Foundation (2018)

Kozo Tanabe Prize for Acid-Base Catalysis. Organization: International Acid-Base Catalysis Group (2017)

Spinoza Award. Organization: Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research – NWO (2013 )

John Bourke Award. Organization: Royal Society of Chemistry – RSC (2013)

International Catalysis Award. Organization: International Association of Catalysis Societies – IACS (2012)

Paul H. Emmett Award in Fundamental Catalysis. Organization: North American Catalysis Society – NACS (2011)

Netherlands Catalysis and Chemistry Award. Organization: The Organization of Dutch Catalysis Industries (VIRAN) and the Catalysis Section of the Royal Dutch Chemical Society – KNCV (2009)

CATSA Eminent Visitor Award. Organization: The Catalysis Society of South Africa – CATSA (2009)

DECHEMA Award. Organization: The Max Buchner Research Foundation of the German Organization of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (2007)

KNCV Gold Medal. Organization: Royal Dutch Chemical Society – KNCV (2007)

Named Lectureships

2020 Pearlman Lectureship of the Weizmann Institute of Science.

2019-2020 Charles Casey Lecturship Award in Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry of the University of Madison at Wisconsin.

2019 Karl Ziegler Lectureship Award from the Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung.

2017 Xing Da Lectureship. Organization: Peking University.

2013 Vladimir N. Ipatieff Lectureship. Organization: Northwestern University.

Scientific Honors

Doctor Honoris Causa from Ghent University – Ghent, Belgium (2024)

Honorary Professor at Tianjin University – Tianjin, China (2023)

Honorary Professor at East China University of Science & Technology – Shanghai, China (2023)

Honorary fellow of the Chinese Chemical Society (CCS, 2020)

Certificate for Achievements of the Christoffel Plantin Fund (2018)

Fellow of the American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS, 2015).

Fellow of ChemPubSoc Europe (2015).

Knight in the Order of the Dutch Lion (2015).

Member of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts (KVAB, 2015).

Member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences (KNAW, 2011).

Member of the European Academy of Science (Academia Europea, 2010).

Member of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences (KHMW, 2010).

Member of the Netherlands Academy of Technology and Innovation (AcTI, 2009).

Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC, 2007).

Member of the Young Academy (DJA) of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences (2005-2010).

Prestigious Research Grants

Comenius Senior Fellowship (2021). Funding Agency: Netherlands Initiative for Education Research.

ENW-PPS-IPP grant (2020). Funding Agency: Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research.

Open Competition Groot grant (2020). Funding Agency: Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research.

Comenius Teaching Fellowship (2019). Funding Agency: Netherlands Initiative for Education Research.

ERC Proof of Concept grant (2019). Funding Agency: European Research Council.

Gravitation grant (2013) for MCEC. Funding Agency: Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research.

ERC Advanced Grant (2012). Funding Agency: European Research Council.

TOP Research grant (2011). Funding Agency: Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research.

TOP Research grant (2006). Funding Agency: Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research.

VICI Grant (2002). Funding Agency: Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research.

Other Scientific Prizes

2004 EFCATS School Lecturer Award. Organization: The European Federation of Catalysis Societies (EFCATS).

1998 KULeuven Research Council Award. Organization: Research Council of Leuven University.

1994 Exxon-VJC Lecture Award. Organization: Royal Flemish Chemical Society (KVCV).

1991 Water Research Award. Organization: vzw Water, Energie en Leefmilieu (WEL).

Scientific Leadership and Managerial Positions

Scientific Leadership:

Coordinator of the SUNERGY initiative since 2020 of which he has been one of the main initiators.

Scientific director ARC-CBBC, Advanced Research Center Chemical Building Blocks Consortium since 2016, of which he has been one of the main initiators.

Scientific director of MCEC, the Netherlands Center for Multiscale Catalytic Energy Conversion since 2014, of which he has been one of the main initiators.

Scientific director of the Smartmix research program CATCHBIO on Biomass Catalysis funded by the Dutch government and chemical industries, 2006-2016, of which he has been one of the initiators.

Scientific director of the Dutch Research School for Catalysis (NIOK), 2003-2013.

Serves/served on the editorial and/or advisory boards of
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2003-to date; chairman of the editorial board 2006-2008) | Applied Catalysis A: General (2005-2007) | Catalysis Today (2007-to date) | Topics in Catalysis (2006-to date) | Catalysis Letters (2006-to date) | Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (2004-to date) | Journal of Applied Chemistry (2005-to date) | Vibrational Spectroscopy (2002-2006) | Chemical Society Reviews (2010-to date) | ChemCatChem (2009-to date, co-chairman of the editorial board 2009-2016) | ChemPhysChem (2014-to date, co-chairman of the editorial board 2018-2020) | Faraday Discussions (2015-to date) | Chem (2016-2018) | The Journal of Catalysis (2017-2023; editor) | Angewandte Chemie International Edition (2018-to date) | Chemistry-Methods (2020-to date) 17. Chemical and Biomedical Imaging (2022-to date) | Chem Catalysis (2023-to date) | Catalysis Science and Technology (2023-to date; editor-in-chief)

Managerial Positions:

Chairman of the commission, established by the Netherlands Royal Academy of Sciences (KNAW), providing an advice to the Ministry of Science, Education and Art on the concept of rolling grants to strengthen the curiosity-driven research at Dutch Universities (2020).

Chairman of the commission, established by the Netherlands Royal Academy of Sciences (KNAW), providing advice to the Ministry of Science, Education and Art on the optimal division between strategic, thematic and talent subsidies within the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) (2019).

Board member of CW-NWO, the main Dutch funding organization ( (2012-2016). Chairman of the ‘Tafel Chemie’ of the NWO (2018-2020).

‘Chief Science Officer’ of Topteam of the Topsector Chemistry, since 2014 (before member Topteam Chemie, 2011-2014), established by the Ministry of Economy, Agriculture and Innovation, member of the Regiegroep Chemie ( (2011-present), chairman of the board of the TopConsortium voor Kennis en Innovatie ‘Nieuwe Chemische Innovaties’ (2012- present), executive board member of ACTS ( (2003-2011) and member of the ‘Spelregels Commissie NWO’ (2013).

Scientific Advisory Board member of Scientific Advisory Board member of inGAP ( (2008-2015); CASE ( (2009-present); SusChem Nederland ( (2009-2012); EaStCHEM ( (2013-2016), the Chemical Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2009-present), State Key Laboratory of Catalysis (Dalian, China) (2014-onwards), Cardiff Catalysis Institute (Cardiff, UK) (2017-onwards), the Center for Catalysis and Surface Science of Northwestern University in Evanston (USA) (2017-onwards) and the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion in Mulheim/Ruhr (2017-onwards).

Member of the Solvay Scientific Committee for Chemistry (2017-2022).

Titular Member of the Physical and Biophysical Chemistry Division of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) (2016-2019).

Member of “HERCulES” (Higher Education, Research and Culture in European Societies) of Academia Europaea (2015-present).

Board member of the Stichting Hoogewerff-Fonds (2015-present).

Member of TWINS (Raad voor Technische Wetenschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica, Natuur- en Sterrenkunde en Scheikunde) of the Netherlands Royal Academy of Sciences (KNAW; (2013-2016).

Board member of the European Federation of Catalysis Societies (EFCATS) (2003-present; treasurer, 2011-2017; since 2017-to date, president), the International Association of Catalysis Societies (IACS) (2003-2016) and the International Zeolite Association (IZA) (2013-present).

Selected publications

Monai, K. Jenkinson, A.E.M. Melcherts, J.N. Louwen, E.A. Irmak, S. Van Aert, T. Atlantzis, C. Vogt, W. van der Stam, T. Duchon, B. Smid, E. Groeneveld, P. Berben, S. Bals, B.M. Weckhuysen, Restructuring of titanium oxide overlayers over nickel nanoparticles during catalysis, Science 2023, 380, 644.

B.M. Weckhuysen, A sustainable alternative to bisphenol A, Nature Sustainability 2023, 6, 1516.

Yang, H. An, S. Arnouts, H. Wang, X. Yu, J. de Ruiter, S. Bals, T. Altanztzis, B.M. Weckhuysen, W. van der Stam, Halide-guided active site exposure in bismuth electrocatalysts for selective CO2 conversion into formic acid, Nature Catalysis 2023, 6, 796-806.

S.H. Chung, T. Li, T. Shoinkhorova, S. Komaty, A. Ramirez, I. Mukhambetov, E. Abou-Hamad, G. Shterk, S. Telalovic, A. Dikhtiarenko, B. Sirks, P. Lavrik, X. Tang, B.M. Weckhuysen, P.C.A. Bruijnincx, J. Gascon, J. Ruiz-Martinez, Origin of active sites on silica-magnesia catalysts and control of reactive environment in the one-step ethanol-to-butadiene process, Nature Catalysis 2023, 6, 363.

T.T. Le, W. Qin, A. Agarwal, N. Nikolopoulos, D. Fu, M.D. Patton, C. Wiland, S.R. Bare, J.C. Palmer, B.M. Weckhuysen, J.D. Rimer, Elemental Zoning Enhances Mass Transport in Zeolite Catalysts, Nature Catalysis 2023, 6, 254.

Delen, M. Monai, K. Stanciakova, B. Baumgartner, F. Meirer, B.M. Weckhuysen, Structure Sensitivity in Gas Sorption and Conversion on Metal-Organic Frameworks, Nature Communications 2023, 14, 129.

Xiao, K. Cheng, X. Xie, M. Wang, S. Xing, Y. Liu, T. Hartman, D. Fu, K. Bossers, M.A. van Huis, A. van Blaaderen, Y. Wang, B.M. Weckhuysen, Tandem catalysis with double-shelled hollow spheres, Nature Materials 2022, 21, 572 (including front cover).

I.C. Ten Have, J.J.G. Kromwijk, M. Monai, D. Ferri, E.B. Sterk, F. Meirer, B.M. Weckhuysen, Uncovering the reaction mechanism behind CoO as active phase for CO2 hydrogenation, Nature Communications 2022, 13, 324.

K.W. Bossers, L.D.B. Mandemaker, N. Nikolopoulos, Y. Liu, M. Rohnke, P. de Peinder, B.J.P. Terlingen, F. Walther, J.M. Dorrestein, T. Hartman, B.M. Weckhuysen, A Ziegler-type Spherical Cap Model Reveals Early-Stage Ethylene Polymerization Growth Versus Catalyst Fragmentation Relationships, Nature Communications 2022, 13, 4954.

Baldus, B.M. Weckhuysen, Giving Oxygenates a New Spin, Nature Catalysis 2022, 5, 584.

Vogt, B.M. Weckhuysen, The concept of active site in heterogeneous catalysis, Nature Reviews Chemistry 2022, 6, 89 (including front cover).

Vogt, F. Meirer, M. Monai, E. Groeneveld, D. Ferri, R.A. van Santen, M. Nachtegaal, R.R. Unocic, A.I. Frenkel, B.M. Weckhuysen, Dynamic restructuring of supported metal nanoparticles and its implications for structure insensitive catalysis, Nature Communications 2021, 12, 7096.

A.E. Nieuwelink, J.C. Vollenbroek, R.M. Tiggelaar, J.G. Bomer, A. van den Berg, M. Odijk, B.M. Weckhuysen, High-throughput activity screening and sorting of single catalyst particles with a droplet microreactor using dielectrophoresis, Nature Catalysis 2021, 4, 1070.

C.R. Jabbour, L.A. Parker, E.M. Hutter, B.M. Weckhuysen, Chemical targets to deactivate biological and chemical toxins using surfaces and fabrics, Nature Reviews Chemistry 2021, 5, 370.

B.M. Weckhuysen, Titanium atoms pair up in industrial catalyst, Nature 2020, 586, 678. (News & Views article)

B.M. Weckhuysen, Creating value from plastic waste, Science 2020, 370, 400. (Perspective article)

Dai, Y. Shen, T. Yang, C. Lee, D. Fu, A. Agarwal, T.T. Le, M. Tsapatsis, J.C. Palmer, B.M. Weckhuysen, P.J. Dauenhauer, X. Zou, J.D. Rimer, Finned zeolite catalysts with enhanced mass transport properties, Nature Materials 2020, 19, 1074.

Vogt, M. Monai, E.B. Sterk, J. Palle, A.E.M. Melcherts, B. Zijlstra, E. Groeneveld, P.H. Berben, J.M. Boereboom, E.J.M. Hensen, F. Meirer, I.A.W. Filot, B.M. Weckhuysen, Understanding carbon dioxide activation and carbon-carbon coupling over nickel, Nature Communications 2019, 10, 5330.

Hartman, R.G. Geitenbeek, G.T. Whiting, B.M. Weckhuysen, Operando monitoring of temperature and active species at the single catalyst particle level, Nature Catalysis 2019, 2, 986. (including cover)

Aspuru-Guzik, M.-H. Baik, S. Balasubramanian, R. Banerjee, S. Bart, N. Borduas-Dedekind, S. Chang, P. Chen, C. Corminboeuf, F.-X. Coudert, L. Cronin, C. Crudden, T. Cuk, A.G. Doyle, C. Fan, X. Feng, D. Freedman, S. Furukawa, S. Ghosh, F. Glorius, M. Jeffries-EL, N. Katsonis, A. Li, S.S. Linse, S. Marchesan, N. Maulide, A. Milo, A.R.H. Narayan, P. Naumov, C. Nevado, T. Nyokong, R. Palacin, M. Reid, C. Robinson, G. Robinson, R. Sarpong, C. Schindler, G.S. Schlau-Cohen, T.W. Schmidt, R. Sessoli, Y. Shao-Horn, H. Sleiman, J. Sutherland, A. Taylor, A. Tezcan, M. Tortosa, A. Walsh, A.J.B. Watson, B.M. Weckhuysen, E. Weiss, D. Wilson, V.W.W. Yam, X. Yang, J.Y. Ying, T. Yoon, S.L.You, A.J.G. Zarbin, H. Zhang, Charting a course for chemistry, Nature Chemistry 2019, 11, 286.

B.M. Weckhuysen, Stable platinum in a zeolite channel, Nature Materials 2019, 18, 778.

H.S. Cho, J. Yang, X. Gong, Y.B. Zhang, K. Momma, B.M. Weckhuysen, H. Deng, J.K. Kang, O.M. Yaghi, O. Terasaki, Isotherms of individual pores by gas adsorption crystallography, Nature Chemistry 2019, 11, 562.

Kumar, B.M. Weckhuysen, A.J. Wain, A.J. Pollard, Nanoscale chemical imaging using tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, Nature Protocols 2019, 14, 1169.

Vogt, M. Monai, G.J. Kramer, B.M. Weckhuysen, The renaissance of the Sabatier reaction and its applications on earth and in space, Nature Catalysis 2019, 2, 188.

Xie, P.P. Paalanen, T.W. van Deelen, B.M. Weckhuysen, M.J. Louwerse, K.P. de Jong, Promoted cobalt metal catalysts suitable for the production of lower olefins from natural gas, Nature Communications 2019, 10, 167.

G.T. Whiting, N. Nikolopoulos, I. Nikolopoulos, A. Dutta Chowdhury, B.M. Weckhuysen, Visualizing pore architecture and molecular transport boundaries in catalytic bodies with fluorescent nanoprobes, Nature Chemistry 2019, 11, 23.

Meirer, B.M. Weckhuysen, Spatial and temporal exploration of heterogeneous catalysts with synchrotron radiation, Nature Reviews Materials 2018, 3, 324.

Yarulina, A. Dutta Chowdhury, F. Meirer, B.M. Weckhuysen, J. Gascon, Recent trends and fundamental insights in the methanol-to-hydrocarbons process, Nature Catalysis 2018, 1, 398.

B.M. Weckhuysen, Communicating catalysts, Nature Chemistry 2018, 10, 580 (News & Views article).

Yarulina, K. De Wispelaere, S. Bailleul, J. Goetze, M. Radersma, E. Abou-Hamad, I. Vollmer, M. Goesten, B. Mezari, E.J.M. Hensen, J.S. Martinez-Espin, M. Morten, S. Mitchell, J. Perez-Ramirez, U. Olsbye, B.M. Weckhuysen, V. Van Speybroeck, F. Kapteijn, J. Gascon, Structure-performance descriptors and the role of Lewis acidity in the methanol-to-propylene process, Nature Chemistry 2018, 10, 804. (including cover)

Vogt, E. Groeneveld, G. Kamsma, M. Nachtegaal, L. Lu, C.J. Kiely, P.H. Berben, F. Meirer, B.M. Weckhuysen, Unraveling structure sensitivity in CO2 hydrogenation over nickel, Nature Catalysis 2018, 1, 127.

B.M. Weckhuysen, Solid catalysts in the spotlights, Nature Catalysis 2018, 1, 101. (News & Views article)

Dutta Chowdhury, K. Houben, G.T. Whiting, S.H. Chung, M. Baldus, B.M. Weckhuysen, Electrophilic aromatic substitution over zeolites generates Wheland-type reaction intermediates, Nature Catalysis 2018, 1, 23.

J.E. Schmidt, R. Oord, W. Guo, J.D. Poplawsky, B.M. Weckhuysen, Nanoscale tomography reveals the deactivation of automotive copper-exchanged zeolite catalysts, Nature Communications 2017, 8, 1666.

Liu, F. Meirer, C.M. Krest, S. Webb, B.M. Weckhuysen, Relating structure and composition with accessibility of a single catalyst particle using correlative 3-dimensional micro-spectroscopy, Nature Communications, 2016, 7, 12634.

B.M. Weckhuysen, Zeolite-encaged silver nanoclusters as highly photoluminescent materials, Nature Materials, 2016, 15, 933. (News & Views article)

D.E. Perea, I. Arslan, J. Liu, Z. Ristanovic, L. Kovarik, B.W. Arey, J.A. Lercher, S.R. Bare, B.M. Weckhuysen, Determining the location and nearest neighbours of aluminium in zeolites with atom probe tomography, Nature Communications 2015, 6, 7589.

Meirer, S. Kalirai, D. Morris, S. Soparawalla, Y. Liu, G. Mesu, J.C. Andrews, B.M. Weckhuysen, Life and death of a single catalytic cracking particle, Science Advances 2015, 1, e1400199.

Luo, M. Sankar, A.M. Beale, Q. He, C.J. Kiely, P.C.A. Bruijnincx, B.M. Weckhuysen, High performing and stable supported nano-alloys for the catalytic hydrogenation of levulinic acid to gamma-valerolactone, Nature Communications 2015, 6, 6540.

P.C.A. Bruijnincx, B.M. Weckhuysen, Biomass conversion: Lignin up for break-down, Nature Chemistry 2014, 6, 1035. (News & Views article)

I.L.C. Buurmans, B.M. Weckhuysen, Heterogeneities of individual catalyst particles in space and time as monitored by spectroscopy, Nature Chemistry 2012, 4, 873.

E.M. van Schrojenstein Lantman, T. Deckert-Gaudig, A.J.G. Mank, V. Deckert, B.M. Weckhuysen, Catalytic processes monitored at the nanoscale with tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, Nature Nanotechnology 2012, 7, 583.

I.L.C. Buurmans, J. Ruiz-Martinez, W.V. Knowles, D. van der Beek, J.A. Bergwerff, E.T.C. Vogt, B.M. Weckhuysen, Catalytic activity in individual cracking catalyst particles imaged throughout different life stages by selective staining, Nature Chemistry 2011, 3, 862.

Karwacki, M.H.F. Kox, D.A.M. de Winter, M.R. Drury, J.D. Meeldijk, E. Stavitski, W. Schmidt, M. Mertens, P. Cubillas, N. John, A. Chan, N. Kahn, S.R. Bare, M. Anderson, J. Kornatowski, B.M. Weckhuysen, Morphology-dependent zeolite intergrowth structures leading to distinct internal and outer-surface molecular diffusion barriers, Nature Materials 2009, 8, 959.

B.M. Weckhuysen, Heterogeneous Catalysis: Catch me if you can!, Nature Chemistry 2009, 1, 690. (News & Views article)

de Smit, I. Swart, J.F. Creemer, G.H. Hoveling, M.K. Gilles, T. Tylisczak, P.J. Kooyman, H.W. Zandbergen, C. Morin, B.M. Weckhuysen, F.M.F. de Groot, Nanoscale chemical imaging of a working catalyst by scanning transmission X-ray microscopy. Nature 2008, 456, 222.

B.M. Weckhuysen. Catalysts live and up close. Nature 2006, 439, 548. (News & Views article)


B.M. Weckhuysen, P. Van Der Voort, G. Catana (Editors). Spectroscopy of transition metal ions on surfaces. Leuven University Press, Leuven, 2000, 332 pages. ISBN 90-586-7025-2.

B.M. Weckhuysen (Editor). In situ Spectroscopy of Catalysts. American Scientific Publishers, San Diego, 2004, 332 pages. ISBN 1-58883-026-8.

M.A.R. Meier, B.M. Weckhuysen, P.C.A. Bruijnincx (Editors). Organometallics and Renewables, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Topics in Organometallic Chemistry Vol. 39, 2012, 228 pages. ISBN 978-3-642-28287-4 (print) and 978-3-642-28288-1 (online).

K. Wüthrich, B. Weckhuysen, L. Rongy, A. de Wit (Editors), Computational Modeling – From Chemistry to Materials to Biology, Proceedings of the 25th Solvay Conference on Chemistry. World Scientific, 2021, 372 pages, ISBN: 978-981-122-820-9 (hardcover).

Book Chapters

B.M. Weckhuysen, P. Van Der Voort, G. Catana. Spectroscopic characterization of heterogeneous catalysts, in Spectroscopy of transition metal ions on surfaces, Weckhuysen, B.M.; Van Der Voort, P.; Catana, G. (Eds), Leuven University Press, Leuven, 2000, p. 13.

B.M. Weckhuysen, R.A. Schoonheydt. General principles of electron spin resonance, in Spectroscopy of transition metal ions on surfaces, Weckhuysen, B.M.; Van Der Voort, P.; Catana, G. (Eds), Leuven University Press, Leuven, 2000, p. 25.

B.M. Weckhuysen, R.A. Schoonheydt (2000). General principles of vibrational spectroscopies, in Spectroscopy of transition metal ions on surfaces, Weckhuysen, B.M.; Van Der Voort, P.; Catana, G. (Eds), Leuven University Press, Leuven, 2000, p. 157.

B.M. Weckhuysen, R.A. Schoonheydt (2000). Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, in Spectroscopy of transition metal ions on surfaces, Weckhuysen, B.M.; Van Der Voort, P.; Catana, G. (Eds), Leuven University Press, Leuven, 2000, p. 221.

B.M. Weckhuysen, I.E. Wachs. Catalysis by supported metal oxides, in Handbook of Surfaces and Interfaces of Materials, Nalwa, H.S. (Ed.), Academic Press, San Diego, 2001, p. 613.

B.M. Weckhuysen, R. Heidler, R.A. Schoonheydt (2004). Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy, in Molecular Sieves – Science and Technology (Vol. 4: Characterization I), Karge, H.G., Weitkamp, J. (Eds.), Springer Verlag, Berlin, p. 295.

B.M. Weckhuysen (2004). In-situ spectroscopy of catalysts, in In situ Spectroscopy of Catalysts, Weckhuysen, B.M. (Ed.), American Scientific Publishers, San Diego, p. 1.

B.M. Weckhuysen (2004). Ultraviolet-Visible spectroscopy, in In situ Characterization of Catalysts, Weckhuysen, B.M. (Ed.), American Scientific Publishers, San Diego, p. 255.

F. Morales, B.M. Weckhuysen (2006). Promotion effects in Co-based Fischer-Tropsch catalysis, in Catalysis, Vol. 19, Spivey, J.J. (Ed.), Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, p. 1.

J.A. Bergwerff, B.M. Weckhuysen (2008). Active phase-support interactions: oxide-support interactions. In Handbook of Heterogeneous Catalysis, 2nd Ed., Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Ertl, G.; Knozinger, H.; Schuth, F.; Weitkamp, J. (Eds.), p. 1188.

A. Ruppert, B.M. Weckhuysen (2008). Active phase-support interactions: metal-support interactions. In Handbook of Heterogeneous Catalysis, 2nd Ed., Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Ertl, G.; Knozinger, H.; Schuth, F.; Weitkamp, J. (Eds.), p. 1178.

T.A. Nijhuis, E. Sacaliuc, B.M. Weckhuysen (2008). The epoxidation of propene over gold nanoparticle catalysts in Mechanisms in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Epoxidation Catalysis, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Oyama, S.T. (Ed.), p. 340.

B.M. Weckhuysen (2009), Space and time resolved spectroscopy of catalyst bodies, in Synthesis of Solid Catalysts, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, de Jong, K.P. (Ed.), p. 201.

M.H.F. Kox, B.M. Weckhuysen (2010), Spatial heterogeneities within an individual catalyst particle during reaction as revealed by in-situ micro-spectroscopy, in On Catalysis, Edition Ostwald, 2nd Ed., Wissenschaft und Bilduing, Berlin, Reschetilowski, W., Houle, W. (Eds.), p. 240.

E. Stavitski, B.M. Weckhuysen (2010), Vibrational spectroscopy and related in-situ studies of catalytic reactions with molecular sieves, in Zeolites and Catalysis: Synthesis, Reactions and Applications, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Cejka, J.; Corma, A.; Zones, S. (Eds.), p. 209.

E. Stavitski, A.M. Beale, B.M. Weckhuysen (2011), Catalysts Characterization: Heterogeneous, in Encyclopedia of Catalysis, 2nd Ed., Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Horvath, I. (Ed.), p. 5.

P.C.A. Bruijnincx, R. Jastrebski, P.J.C. Hausoul, R.J.M. Klein Gebbink, B.M. Weckhuysen (2012), Pd—catalyzed telomerization of 1,3-dienes with multifunctional renewable substrates: Versatile routes for the valorization of biomass-derived platform molecules, in Organometallics and Renewables, Springer, Heidelberg, M.A.R Meier, B.M. Weckhuysen, P.C.A. Bruijnincx (Eds.), p. 45.

B. Weckhuysen (2012), In-situ characterization of heterogeneous catalysts, in Catalysis, From Principles to Applications, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Beller, M.; Renken, A. van Santen, R.A. (Eds.), p. 493.

A.M. Beale, M.G. O’Brien, B.M. Weckhuysen (2012), Techniques coupling for catalyst characterization, in Characterization of Solid Materials and Heterogeneous Catalysts: From Structure to Surface Reactivity, Vol. 2, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Che, M.; Vedrine, J.C. (Eds.), p. 1077.

A.M. Beale, J. Ruiz-Martinez, B.M. Weckhuysen (2013), Catalyst imaging using synchrotron-based multitechnique approaches, in In-Situ Characterization of Heterogeneous Catalysts, Wiley, Hoboken, J.A. Rodrigez, J.C. Hanson, P.J. Chupas (Eds.), p. 441.

A.M. Beale, J.P. Hofmann, M. Sankar, E.M. van Schrojenstein Lantman, B.M. Weckhuysen (2014), Recent trends in operando and in-situ characterization techniques for rational design of catalysts, in Handbook of Heterogeneous Catalysts, Wiley, VCH, Weinheim, Wilson, K., Lee, A. (Eds.), p. 365.

E.T.C. Vogt, G.T. Whiting, A. Dutta Chowdhurry, B.M. Weckhuysen, Zeolites and zeotypes for oil and gas conversion, in Advances in Catalysis, Vol. 58, Academic Press, New York, F.C. Jentoft (Ed.), 2015, p. 143.

S.C.C. Wiedemann, P.C.A. Bruijnincx, B.M. Weckhuysen, Isostearic Acid: A unique fatty acid with great potential, in Chemicals and Fuels from Bio-Based Building Blocks, First Edition, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, F. Cavani, S. Albonetti, F. Basile, A. Gandini (Eds.), 2016, p. 51.

R. Oord, B.M. Weckhuysen, Cu-Zeolite Selective catalytic reduction catalysts for NOx conversion, in Zeolites and Zeolite-Like Materials, Elsevier, Amsterdam, B. Sels, L. Kustov (Eds.), 2016, p. 433.

G.T. Whiting, F. Meirer, B.M. Weckhuysen, Operando EXAFS and XANES of catalytic solids and related materials, in XAFS Techniques for Catalysts, Nanomaterials and Surfaces, Springer, New York, Y. Iwasawa, K. Asakura, M. Tada (Eds.), 2016. p. 167.

J.E. Schmidt, G.T. Whiting, A. Dutta Chowhdurry, B. Seoane, B.M. Weckhuysen, Spectroscopy of Zeolites, in Zeolites in Catalysis: Properties and Applications, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, J. Cejka, R.E. Morris, P. Nachtigall (Eds.), 2017, p. 240.

M. Filez, Z. Ristanovic, B.M Weckhuysen, Micro-spectroscopy to Interrogate Solid Catalysts at Work, in Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry: Surface Science and Electrochemistry, Elsevier, Amsterdam, K. Wandelt (Ed.), 2017, p. 1.

C.S. Lancefield, B.M. Weckhuysen, P.C.A. Bruijnincx, Catalytic Conversion of Lignin-derived Aromatic Compounds into Chemicals, in Lignin Valorization: Emerging Approaches, G.T. Beckham (Ed.), Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, G.T. Beckham (Ed.), 2018, p. 159.

C. Vogt, C.S. Wondergem, B.M. Weckhuysen, Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-Vis) Spectroscopy, in Handbook of Advanced Catalyst Characterization, Springer, Berlin, I.E. Wachs, M.A. Banares (Eds.), 2023, p. 237.

C.S. Wondergem, C. Vogt, B.M. Weckhuysen, Time-resolved X-ray Absorptoin Spectroscopy (XAS), in Handbook of Advanced Catalyst Characterization, Springer, Berlin, I.E. Wachs, M.A. Banares (Eds.), 2023, p. 601.

Granted Patents and Patent Applications

Granted Patents:

United States Patent 9,956,547 (2018). Preparation of polyglycerols. Inventors: A. Kaiser, B.M. Weckhuysen, D. Leinweber, F. Kirby, F.X. Scherl, H.J. Metz & P.C.A. Bruijnincx.

United States Patent 9,095,844 (2015). Catalyst for Glycerol Aqueous Phase Reforming and Preparation Thereof. Inventors: Y.M. Chung, T. J. Kim, S.H. Oh, D. Ayse Boga, P.C.A. Bruijnincx & B.M. Weckhuysen.

United States Patent 8,370,082 (2013) & European Patent 2 142 908 B1 (2010). Method for predicting a physical property of a residue obtainable from a crude oil. Inventors: P. de Peinder, F.A.J. Singelenberg, T. Visser & B.M. Weckhuysen.

United States Patent 7,476,374 (2009). Catalytic destruction of halogenated hydrocarbons. Inventors: B. Weckhuysen, R. Schoonheydt & P. Van der Avert.

Patent Applications

European Patent Application EP 202201902 (2022). Mechanochemical Catalytic Depolymerization. Inventors: I. Vollmer, B.M. Weckhuysen & A.H. Hergese

United States Patent Application 2017/0266651 A1 (2017). Process for the manufacture of alcohol and/or ketone. Inventors: S. Chouzier, L.F. Rascon Cruz, B.M. Weckhuysen & S. Mastroianni.

Patent Cooperation Treaty International Patent Application WO 2016/135268 A1 (2016). Method for preparing a chemical compound using a ruthenium metal catalyst on a zirconium oxide support in the presence of a contaminant. Inventors: J. Ftouni, P.C.A. Bruijnincx & B.M. Weckhuysen

Patent Cooperation Treaty International Patent Application WO 2015/026234 A1 (2015). Supported monometallic and bimetallic catalysts for the hydrogenation of levulinic acid. Inventors: W. Luo, M. Sankar, P.C.A. Bruijnincx, B.M. Weckhuysen.

Patent Cooperation Treaty International Patent Application WO 2012/177138 A1 (2012). Process for the liquid-phase reforming of lignin to aromatic chemicals and hydrogen. Inventors: J. Zakzeski, P.C.A. Bruijnincx & B.M. Weckhuysen.

European Patent Application EP 2014362 A1 (2009). Metathesis of chlorinated waste compounds. Inventors: A.W.A.M. van der Heijden, J.H. Bitter & B.M. Weckhuysen.

European Patent Application EP 1961726 A1 (2008). Process for the conversion of glycerol and catalytically active material suitable thereof. Inventors: A.M. Ruppert & B.M. Weckhuysen.

Patent Cooperation Treaty International Patent Application WO 2005/082815 A1 (2005) & European Patent Application EP 1564198 A1 (2005). Heterogeneous chromium catalysts. Inventors: C. Nenu, P. Bodart & B.M. Weckhuysen.


735 entries « 1 of 15 »


Vollmer, Ina; Jenks, Michael J. F.; Rejman, Sebastian; Meirer, Florian; Gurinov, Andrei; Baldus, Marc; Weckhuysen, Bert M.

Unravelling potential reaction intermediates during catalytic pyrolysis of polypropylene with microscopy and spectroscopy Journal Article

In: Catalysis Science and Technology, vol. 52, 2024, (Cited by: 1; All Open Access, Hybrid Gold Open Access).

Links | BibTeX

Pulumati, Sri Harsha; Sannes, Dag Kristian; Jabbour, Christia R.; Mandemaker, Laurens D. B.; Weckhuysen, Bert M.; Olsbye, Unni; Nova, Ainara; Skúlason, Egill

Mechanistic Insights in the Catalytic Hydrogenation of CO2 over Pt Nanoparticles in UiO-67 Metal-Organic Frameworks Journal Article

In: ACS Catalysis, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 382 – 394, 2024, (Cited by: 2; All Open Access, Hybrid Gold Open Access).

Links | BibTeX

Maris, J J Erik; Parker, Luke A.; Stanciakova, Katarina; Nikolopoulos, Nikolaos; Berendsen, Koen M H; Blaaderen, Alfons; Meirer, Florian; Rabouw, Freddy T.; Weckhuysen, Bert M.

Molecular Accessibility and Diffusion of Resorufin in Zeolite Crystals Journal Article

In: Chemistry (Weinheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany), vol. 30, no. 1, pp. e202303877, 2024, (Cited by: 0; All Open Access, Bronze Open Access).

Links | BibTeX

Werny, Maximilian J.; Meirer, Florian; Weckhuysen, Bert M.

Visualizing the Structure, Composition and Activity of Single Catalyst Particles for Olefin Polymerization and Polyolefin Decomposition Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 63, no. 6, 2024, (Cited by: 1; All Open Access, Hybrid Gold Open Access).

Links | BibTeX

Vogel, Robin; Versluis, Caroline; Frijsen, Rowie; Prins, P. Tim; Vogt, Eelco T. C.; Rabouw, Freddy T.; Weckhuysen, Bert M.

The Coking of a Solid Catalyst Rationalized with Combined Raman and Fluorescence Lifetime Microscopy Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2024, (Cited by: 0).

Links | BibTeX

Srivastava, Ketki; Jacobs, Thimo S.; Ostendorp, Stefan; Jonker, Dirk; Brzesowsky, Floor A.; Susarrey-Arce, Arturo; Gardeniers, Han; Wilde, Gerhard; Weckhuysen, Bert M.; Berg, Albert; Stam, Ward; Odijk, Mathieu

Alternative nano-lithographic tools for shell-isolated nanoparticle enhanced Raman spectroscopy substrates Journal Article

In: Nanoscale, 2024, (Cited by: 0; All Open Access, Hybrid Gold Open Access).

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Zhang, Xiaochen; Li, Mengzhu; Liu, Xingwu; Li, Ang; Deng, Yuchen; Peng, Mi; Zhang, Yu; Vogt, Charlotte; Monai, Matteo; Gao, Junxian; Qin, Xuetao; Xu, Yao; Yu, Qiaolin; Wang, Meng; Wang, Guofu; Jiang, Zheng; Han, Xiaodong; Brady, Casper; Li, Wei-Xue; Zhou, Wu; Liu, Jin-Xun; Xu, Bingjun; Weckhuysen, Bert M.; Ma, Ding

An Integrated Carbon Dioxide Capture and Methanation Process Journal Article

In: CCS Chemistry, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 1174 – 1183, 2024, (Cited by: 1).

Links | BibTeX

Maris, J. J. Erik; Parker, Luke A.; Stanciakova, Katarina; Nikolopoulos, Nikolaos; Berendsen, Koen M. H.; Blaaderen, Alfons; Meirer, Florian; Rabouw, Freddy T.; Weckhuysen, Bert M.

Molecular Accessibility and Diffusion of Resorufin in Zeolite Crystals Journal Article

In: Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 30, no. 1, 2024, (Cited by: 1; All Open Access, Hybrid Gold Open Access).

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Haben, Sebastian; Kromwijk, Josepha J. G.; Vollmer, Ina; Weckhuysen, Bert M.

Operando UV–Vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy insights into the methane dehydroaromatization reaction over Mo/H-ZSM-5 catalysts Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 436, 2024, (Cited by: 0).

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Hergesell, Adrian H.; Baarslag, Renate J.; Seitzinger, Claire L.; Meena, Raghavendra; Schara, Patrick; Tomović, Željko; Li, Guanna; Weckhuysen, Bert M.; Vollmer, Ina

Surface-Activated Mechano-Catalysis for Ambient Conversion of Plastic Waste Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2024, (Cited by: 0; All Open Access, Hybrid Gold Open Access).

Links | BibTeX

Schnabl, Kordula B.; Mandemaker, Laurens D. B.; Ganjkhanlou, Yadolah; Vollmer, Ina; Weckhuysen, Bert M.

Green Additives in Chitosan-based Bioplastic Films: Long-term Stability Assessment and Aging Effects Journal Article

In: ChemSusChem, vol. 17, no. 13, 2024, (Cited by: 0; All Open Access, Hybrid Gold Open Access).

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Jabbour, Christia R.; Schnabl, Kordula B.; Yan, Haoxiang; O'Beirn, Naoise N.; Dorresteijn, Joren M.; Meirer, Florian; Mandemaker, Laurens D. B.; Weckhuysen, Bert M.

Chitosan as Support Material for Metal-Organic Framework based Catalysts Journal Article

In: ChemPhysChem, vol. 25, no. 17, 2024, (Cited by: 0; All Open Access, Hybrid Gold Open Access).

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Vogt, Eelco T. C.; Weckhuysen, Bert M.

The refinery of the future Journal Article

In: Nature, vol. 629, no. 8011, pp. 295 – 306, 2024, (Cited by: 6).

Links | BibTeX

Yu, Xiang; Genz, Nina S.; Mendes, Rafael G.; Ye, Xinwei; Meirer, Florian; Nachtegaal, Maarten; Monai, Matteo; Weckhuysen, Bert M.

Anchoring PdOx clusters on defective alumina for improved catalytic methane oxidation Journal Article

In: Nature Communications, vol. 15, no. 1, 2024, (Cited by: 1; All Open Access, Gold Open Access).

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Wu, Yaqi; Dorresteijn, Joren M.; Weckhuysen, Bert M.

Ethylene Polymerization over Metal-Organic Framework-Supported Zirconocene Complexes Journal Article

In: ACS Catalysis, vol. 14, no. 11, pp. 9093 – 9103, 2024, (Cited by: 1; All Open Access, Hybrid Gold Open Access).

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Colombo, Riccardo; Moroni, Gianluca; Negri, Chiara; Delen, Guusje; Monai, Matteo; Donazzi, Alessandro; Weckhuysen, Bert M.; Maestri, Matteo

Surface Carbon Formation and its Impact on Methane Dry Reforming Kinetics on Rhodium-Based Catalysts by Operando Raman Spectroscopy Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2024, (Cited by: 0).

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Jacobs, Thimo S.; Park, Sunghak; Schönig, Marco; Weckhuysen, Bert M.; Koper, Marc T. M.; Stam, Ward

Luminescence Thermometry Probes Local Heat Effects at the Platinum Electrode Surface during Alkaline Water Electrolysis Journal Article

In: ACS Energy Letters, vol. 9, no. 7, pp. 3335 – 3341, 2024, (Cited by: 0; All Open Access, Hybrid Gold Open Access).

Links | BibTeX

Smak, Tom J.; Peinder, Peter; der Waal, Jan C. Van; Altink, Rinke; Vollmer, Ina; Weckhuysen, Bert M.

Oxidative Conversion of Polyethylene Towards Di-Carboxylic Acids: A Multi-Analytical Approach Journal Article

In: ChemSusChem, vol. 17, no. 7, 2024, (Cited by: 2; All Open Access, Hybrid Gold Open Access).

Links | BibTeX

González, Rafael Mayorga; Maris, J. J. Erik; Wagner, Marita; Ganjkhanlou, Yadolah; Bomer, Johan G.; Werny, Maximilian J.; Rabouw, Freddy T.; Weckhuysen, Bert M.; Odijk, Mathieu; Meirer, Florian

Fluorescent-Probe Characterization for Pore-Space Mapping with Single-Particle Tracking Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 63, no. 4, 2024, (Cited by: 0; All Open Access, Hybrid Gold Open Access).

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Constant, Sandra; Lancefield, Christopher S.; Vogelzang, Willem; Purushothaman, Rajeesh Kumar Pazhavelikkakath; Frissen, Augustinus E.; Houben, Klaartje; Peinder, Peter; Baldus, Marc; Weckhuysen, Bert M.; Es, Daan S.; Bruijnincx, Pieter C. A.

Molecular structure and composition elucidation of an industrial humin and its fractions Journal Article

In: Green Chemistry, vol. 26, no. 13, pp. 7739 – 7751, 2024, (Cited by: 2; All Open Access, Hybrid Gold Open Access).

Links | BibTeX

Genz, Nina S.; Kallio, Antti-Jussi; Meirer, Florian; Huotari, Simo; Weckhuysen, Bert M.

Operando Laboratory-based X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy: Guidelines for Newcomers in the Field Journal Article

In: Chemistry-Methods, vol. 4, no. 1, 2024, (Cited by: 2; All Open Access, Gold Open Access).

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Jacobs, Thimo S.; Swieten, Thomas P.; Vonk, Sander J. W.; Bosman, Isa P.; Melcherts, Angela E. M.; Janssen, Bas C.; Janssens, Joris C. L.; Monai, Matteo; Meijerink, Andries; Rabouw, Freddy T.; Stam, Ward; Weckhuysen, Bert M.

Mapping Temperature Heterogeneities during Catalytic CO2 Methanation with Operando Luminescence Thermometry Journal Article

In: ACS Nano, vol. 17, no. 20, pp. 20053 – 20061, 2023, (Cited by: 0; All Open Access, Green Open Access, Hybrid Gold Open Access).

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Monai, Matteo; Jenkinson, Kellie; Melcherts, Angela E. M.; Louwen, Jaap N.; Irmak, Ece A.; Aert, Sandra Van; Altantzis, Thomas; Vogt, Charlotte; Stam, Ward; Duchoň, Tomáš; Šmíd, Břetislav; Groeneveld, Esther; Berben, Peter; Bals, Sara; Weckhuysen, Bert M.

Restructuring of titanium oxide overlayers over nickel nanoparticles during catalysis Journal Article

In: Science, vol. 380, no. 6645, pp. 644 – 651, 2023, (Cited by: 21).

Links | BibTeX

Vogel, Robin; Prins, P. Tim; Rabouw, Freddy T.; Weckhuysen, Bert M.

Operando time-gated Raman spectroscopy of solid catalysts Journal Article

In: Catalysis Science and Technology, vol. 13, no. 22, pp. 6366 – 6376, 2023, (Cited by: 0; All Open Access, Green Open Access, Hybrid Gold Open Access).

Links | BibTeX

Pulumati, Sri Harsha; Sannes, Dag Kristian; Jabbour, Christia R.; Mandemaker, Laurens D. B.; Weckhuysen, Bert M.; Olsbye, Unni; Nova, Ainara; Skúlason, Egill

Mechanistic Insights in the Catalytic Hydrogenation of CO2 over Pt Nanoparticles in UiO-67 Metal-Organic Frameworks Journal Article

In: ACS Catalysis, 2023, (Cited by: 0).

Links | BibTeX

Werny, Maximilian J.; Meirer, Florian; Weckhuysen, Bert M.

Visualizing the Structure, Composition and Activity of Single Catalyst Particles for Olefin Polymerization and Polyolefin Decomposition Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2023, (Cited by: 0; All Open Access, Bronze Open Access).

Links | BibTeX

Schnabl, Kordula B.; Mandemaker, Laurens D. B.; Nierop, Klaas G. J.; Deen, Olivier V. B.; Eefting, Desmond D.; Vollmer, Ina; Weckhuysen, Bert M.

Green Additives in Chitosan-Based Bioplastic Films: Physical, Mechanical, and Chemical Properties Journal Article

In: ChemSusChem, vol. 16, no. 20, 2023, (Cited by: 0; All Open Access, Hybrid Gold Open Access).

Links | BibTeX

Ding, Pan; An, Hongyu; Zellner, Philipp; Guan, Tianfu; Gao, Jianyong; Müller-Buschbaum, Peter; Weckhuysen, Bert M.; Stam, Ward; Sharp, Ian D.

Elucidating the Roles of Nafion/Solvent Formulations in Copper-Catalyzed CO2 Electrolysis Journal Article

In: ACS Catalysis, vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 5336 – 5347, 2023, (Cited by: 4; All Open Access, Green Open Access, Hybrid Gold Open Access).

Links | BibTeX

Nikolopoulos, Nikolaos; Parker, Luke A.; Vuijk, Maurits W.; Weckhuysen, Bert M.

Impact of the location of magnesium in zeolite-based shaped catalyst bodies on the methanol-to-hydrocarbons process Journal Article

In: Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, vol. 354, 2023, (Cited by: 1; All Open Access, Hybrid Gold Open Access).

Links | BibTeX

Mandemaker, Laurens D. B.; Jabbour, Christia; Nikolopoulos, Nikolaos; Dorresteijn, Joren M.; Rivera-Torrente, Miguel; Weckhuysen, Bert M.

The Growth of Metal–Organic Framework Films on Calcium Fluoride and Their Interaction With Reactive Molecules Journal Article

In: Advanced Materials Interfaces, vol. 10, no. 5, 2023, (Cited by: 2; All Open Access, Green Open Access).

Links | BibTeX

Deraet, Xavier; Turek, Jan; Alonso, Mercedes; Tielens, Frederik; Weckhuysen, Bert M.; Calatayud, Monica; Proft, Frank De

Understanding the Reactivity of Supported Late Transition Metals on a Bare Anatase (101) Surface: A Periodic Conceptual DFT Investigation Journal Article

In: ChemPhysChem, vol. 24, no. 6, 2023, (Cited by: 2; All Open Access, Green Open Access).

Links | BibTeX

Terlingen, Bas; Bos, Jelle W.; Ahr, Mathieu; Monai, Matteo; Lare, Coert; Weckhuysen, Bert M.

Europium-Magnesium-Aluminum-Based Mixed-Metal Oxides as Highly Active Methane Oxychlorination Catalysts Journal Article

In: ACS Catalysis, vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 5147 – 5158, 2023, (Cited by: 0; All Open Access, Green Open Access, Hybrid Gold Open Access).

Links | BibTeX

Zand, Florian; Hangx, Suzanne J. T.; Spiers, Christopher J.; Brink, Peter J.; Burns, James; Boebinger, Matthew G.; Poplawsky, Jonathan D.; Monai, Matteo; Weckhuysen, Bert M.

Elucidating the Structure and Composition of Individual Bimetallic Nanoparticles in Supported Catalysts by Atom Probe Tomography Journal Article

In: Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 145, no. 31, pp. 17299 – 17308, 2023, (Cited by: 1; All Open Access, Green Open Access, Hybrid Gold Open Access).

Links | BibTeX

Smak, Tom J.; Peinder, Peter; der Waal, Jan C. Van; Altink, Rinke; Vollmer, Ina; Weckhuysen, Bert M.

Oxidative Conversion of Polyethylene Towards Di-Carboxylic Acids: A Multi-Analytical Approach Journal Article

In: ChemSusChem, 2023, (Cited by: 0).

Links | BibTeX

Xing, Shiyou; Turner, Savannah; Fu, Donglong; Vreeswijk, Sophie; Liu, Yuanshuai; Xiao, Jiadong; Oord, Ramon; Sann, Joachim; Weckhuysen, Bert M.

Silicalite-1 Layer Secures the Bifunctional Nature of a CO2 Hydrogenation Catalyst Journal Article

In: JACS Au, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 1029 – 1038, 2023, (Cited by: 3; All Open Access, Gold Open Access, Green Open Access).

Links | BibTeX

Wu, Yaqi; Dorresteijn, Joren M.; Mandemaker, Laurens D. B.; Hartman, Thomas; Weckhuysen, Bert M.

Elucidating polymer growth and fragmentation behavior of MOFs in ethylene polymerization by MOF thin films Journal Article

In: Cell Reports Physical Science, vol. 4, no. 1, 2023, (Cited by: 1; All Open Access, Gold Open Access).

Links | BibTeX

Ma, Duozheng; Li, Xiangcheng; Liu, Chuang; Versluis, Caroline; Ye, Yingchun; Wang, Zhendong; Vogt, Eelco T. C.; Weckhuysen, Bert M.; Yang, Weimin

SCM-36 zeolite nanosheets applied in the production of renewable p-xylene from ethylene and 2,5-dimethylfuran Journal Article

In: Chinese Journal of Catalysis, vol. 47, pp. 200 – 213, 2023, (Cited by: 3; All Open Access, Bronze Open Access).

Links | BibTeX

González, Rafael Mayorga; Maris, J. J. Erik; Wagner, Marita; Ganjkhanlou, Yadolah; Bomer, Johan G.; Werny, Maximilian J.; Rabouw, Freddy T.; Weckhuysen, Bert M.; Odijk, Mathieu; Meirer, Florian

Fluorescent-Probe Characterization for Pore-Space Mapping with Single-Particle Tracking Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2023, (Cited by: 0; All Open Access, Bronze Open Access).

Links | BibTeX

Le, Thuy T.; Qin, Wei; Agarwal, Ankur; Nikolopoulos, Nikolaos; Fu, Donglong; Patton, Matthew D.; Weiland, Conan; Bare, Simon R.; Palmer, Jeremy C.; Weckhuysen, Bert M.; Rimer, Jeffrey D.

Elemental zoning enhances mass transport in zeolite catalysts for methanol to hydrocarbons Journal Article

In: Nature Catalysis, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 254 – 265, 2023, (Cited by: 5).

Links | BibTeX

Baumgartner, Bettina; Prins, P. Tim; Louwen, Jaap N.; Monai, Matteo; Weckhuysen, Bert M.

The Role of Water in Carbon Dioxide Adsorption in Porphyrinic Metal-Organic Frameworks Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 15, no. 19, 2023, (Cited by: 1; All Open Access, Hybrid Gold Open Access).

Links | BibTeX

Vos, Rafaël E.; Kolmeijer, Kees E.; Jacobs, Thimo S.; Stam, Ward Van Der; Weckhuysen, Bert M.; Koper, Marc T. M.

How Temperature Affects the Selectivity of the Electrochemical CO2Reduction on Copper Journal Article

In: ACS Catalysis, vol. 13, no. 12, pp. 8080 – 8091, 2023, (Cited by: 8; All Open Access, Green Open Access, Hybrid Gold Open Access).

Links | BibTeX

Chung, Sang-Ho; Li, Teng; Shoinkhorova, Tuiana; Komaty, Sarah; Ramirez, Adrian; Mukhambetov, Ildar; Abou-Hamad, Edy; Shterk, Genrikh; Telalovic, Selvedin; Dikhtiarenko, Alla; Sirks, Bart; Lavrik, Polina; Tang, Xinqi; Weckhuysen, Bert M.; Bruijnicx, Pieter C. A.; Gascon, Jorge; Ruiz-Martínez, Javier

Origin of active sites on silica–magnesia catalysts and control of reactive environment in the one-step ethanol-to-butadiene process Journal Article

In: Nature Catalysis, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 363 – 376, 2023, (Cited by: 7; All Open Access, Green Open Access).

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Vollenbroek, Jeroen C.; Nieuwelink, Anne-Eva; Bomer, Johan G.; Tiggelaar, Roald M.; Berg, Albert; Weckhuysen, Bert M.; Odijk, Mathieu

Droplet microreactor for high-throughput fluorescence-based measurements of single catalyst particle acidity Journal Article

In: Microsystems and Nanoengineering, vol. 9, no. 1, 2023, (Cited by: 0; All Open Access, Gold Open Access, Green Open Access).

Links | BibTeX

Zanoni, Silvia; Nikolopoulos, Nikolaos; Welle, Alexandre; Cirriez, Virginie; Weckhuysen, Bert M.

Role of Titanium in Ti/SiO2-Supported Metallocene-based Olefin Polymerization Catalysts. Part 2: Particle Fragmentation Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 15, no. 10, 2023, (Cited by: 3; All Open Access, Bronze Open Access).

Links | BibTeX

Zanoni, Silvia; Welle, Alexandre; Cirriez, Virginie; Weckhuysen, Bert M.

Role of Titanium in Ti/SiO2-Supported Metallocene-based Olefin Polymerization Catalysts. Part 1: Genesis of Active Sites and Catalytic Performance Journal Article

In: ChemCatChem, vol. 15, no. 10, 2023, (Cited by: 2; All Open Access, Hybrid Gold Open Access).

Links | BibTeX

Rejman, Sebastian; Vollmer, Ina; Werny, Maximilian J.; Vogt, Eelco T. C.; Meirer, Florian; Weckhuysen, Bert M.

Transport limitations in polyolefin cracking at the single catalyst particle level Journal Article

In: Chemical Science, vol. 14, no. 37, pp. 10068 – 10080, 2023, (Cited by: 2; All Open Access, Gold Open Access, Green Open Access).

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Yang, Shuang; An, Hongyu; Arnouts, Sven; Wang, Hui; Yu, Xiang; Ruiter, Jim; Bals, Sara; Altantzis, Thomas; Weckhuysen, Bert M.; Stam, Ward

Halide-guided active site exposure in bismuth electrocatalysts for selective CO2 conversion into formic acid Journal Article

In: Nature Catalysis, vol. 6, no. 9, pp. 796 – 806, 2023, (Cited by: 8; All Open Access, Green Open Access, Hybrid Gold Open Access).

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Zarupski, Jelena; Piovano, Alessandro; Werny, Maximilian J.; Martini, Andrea; Braglia, Luca; Torelli, Piero; Hendriksen, Coen; Friederichs, Nicolaas H.; Meirer, Florian; Weckhuysen, Bert M.; Groppo, Elena

Silica-magnesium-titanium Ziegler–Natta catalysts. Part II. Properties of the active sites and fragmentation behaviour Journal Article

In: Journal of Catalysis, vol. 423, pp. 10 – 18, 2023, (Cited by: 3; All Open Access, Hybrid Gold Open Access).

Links | BibTeX

Vreeswijk, Sophie H.; Parker, Luke A.; Maris, J. J. Erik; Poplawsky, Jonathan D.; Weckhuysen, Bert M.

Micro- and Nanoscale Heterogeneities in Zeolite Beta as Measured by Atom Probe Tomography and Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy Journal Article

In: ChemPhysChem, vol. 24, no. 13, 2023, (Cited by: 0; All Open Access, Green Open Access, Hybrid Gold Open Access).

Links | BibTeX

Vogt, Eelco T. C.; Fu, Donglong; Weckhuysen, Bert M.

Carbon Deposit Analysis in Catalyst Deactivation, Regeneration, and Rejuvenation Journal Article

In: Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, vol. 62, no. 29, 2023, (Cited by: 12; All Open Access, Hybrid Gold Open Access).

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