We congratulate Mariangela Biggiero on receiving the NIOK lecture award for her presentation “Quasi simultaneous X-ray absorption and diffraction to study activation and regeneration of an indium-bismuth catalyst for CO₂ electroreduction at high current density” at the NCCC 2025 conference.
This this presentation, Mariangela presented the recent results of her PhD research on the stability of In2O3 catalyst during CO2 electroreduction. Mariangela’s research unravels the role of In2O3, stabilized by a Bi core, during activation and regeneration of the industrially designed In-Bi catalyst during CO2ER. The synergistic combination of quasi simultaneous in situ X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and X-ray Diffraction allows to relate relevant oxide and crystalline modifications during an industrial-like operation in a Gas Diffusion Electrode Cell.