Floor Brzesowsky

Floor Brzesowsky
Room -Vening Meinesz building-C 2.06

This project will focus on achieving and understanding Resonant Catalysis (RC). RC is an emerging field of catalysis in which catalysts are stimulated by an intermittent stimulus, such as light, mechanical stress or electric fields, at high frequency (Hz-MHz), in order to change the interaction with reaction intermediates at the time scale of the reaction itself, so that the activity is not limited by a specific step of the reaction. RC theory predicts an enhancement in catalytic performance up to 3 orders of magnitude above the maximum predicted by the well-known Sabatier principle. This has the potential to make prospective sustainable technologies, such as the conversion of CO2 to methanol (MeOH), much more economically feasible. This project is focused on developing high time-resolution (up to 109 Hz, ns) operando infrared (IR) spectroscopy tools, based on step-scan IR methods, to study the dynamics of reaction intermediates at the time scale of RC itself. The focus is on the CO2-to-MeOH reaction and the use of light as a stimulus. We will determine the relationship between the light stimulation parameters, catalytic performance, and the type and dynamics of the reaction intermediates formed during stimulated catalysis in the CO2-to-MeOH reaction, to boost activity by a factor of 10 with respect to continuous illumination.