PhD defense Joren Dorresteijn: Porous Supports for Catalytic α-Olefins Polymerization

Congratulations to Dr. Joren Dorresteijn for an Excellent PhD Defense. Joren has successfully defended his PhD thesis, supervised by Prof. Bert Weckhuysen, prof. dr. Eelco Vogt, and dr. Florian Meirer.

In his thesis, Joren extended knowledge on how support materials influence heterogeneous olefin polymerization catalysts. He investigated the physical and chemical parameters of both industrial and exploratory support materials, including LaOCl, 2-D Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs), and Chitosan (CS). He synthesized these materials using various preparation techniques to alter their physicochemical properties. Joren developed and utilized a combination of spectroscopic and microscopic techniques to probe the properties of pristine, activated, and polymerized catalyst materials.

Joren’s PhD thesis is available to read here.