PhD defense Florian Zand: Metal Synergy in Pd-Ni Bimetallics: Assessing and Controlling Metal Segregation

Congratulations to Dr. Florian Zand for an Excellent PhD Defense. Florian has successfully defended his PhD thesis, supervised by Prof. Bert Weckhuysen and dr. Matteo Monai.

In his thesis, Florian enhanced understanding of metal segregation in supported bimetallic catalysts by developing a novel atom probe tomography (APT) technique for mesoporous catalysts. He investigated metal segregation pathways in Pd-Ni nanoparticles, exploring precursor decomposition, alloy formation, and catalyst restructuring. By analyzing different gas atmospheres and catalyst conditions, he elucidated how metal segregation affects catalysis in CO2 hydrogenation and chitosan depolymerization.

Florian’s PhD thesis is available to read here.