Bert Weckhuysen gives 2023 Utrecht Science Lecture

Bert Weckhuysen gives 2023 Utrecht Science Lecture

The theme of the second Utrecht Science Lecture, during the Utrecht Science Week (September 27-October 6) revolved around sustainable collaboration, which is pivotal for the rapid advancement of a circular economy (an economy where waste is entirely repurposed). Businesses alone cannot solve this, nor can the realm of science. They must come together to formulate and execute sustainable solutions. During the lecture, keynote speakers Professor Bert Weckhuysen, University Professor of Catalysis, Energy, and Sustainability at Utrecht University (UU), and Dr. Patrick Cramers, Director of the Institute for Life Sciences & Chemistry (ILC) at Utrecht University of Applied Sciences (HU), showcased where the first strides in this intensive partnership are being made to enhance the sustainability of the Science Park. Their goal is to bridge the gap between their respective institutes.

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